About Me

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Dr Mariheca Otto Director B.Com (Hons: Industrial Psychology and Sociology), HED, M.Com and PhD in Business Management Dr Mariheca Otto is the face behind the Motto brand. She has delivered papers at conferences such as the ICCM, hosted by the Industrial Psychology Department of Stellenbosch University, and the South African Institute of Management Scientists' (SAIMS) annual conferences. Her research is not only published in academic publications, but also in newspaper articles. She has lecturing experience. She also has consulting and management experience in local government and various service industries. Staff related issues is her chosen field of expertise because she believes this is an organisation's number one tool to increase staff performance which generally results in increased profits.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Square up

With some people it is so obvious how they see themselves: personality traits, mood, agenda. An open book, I tell you! They almost completely communicate through their bodies.

Research will tell you that when people interact, we ‘read’ a lot more in the physical experience and observation than in the words.

Some time ago a close family member had a tiff with one of my kids who, at the then age of two, primarily communicated with his body. The grown-up, a committed non-body language reader, could for the life of him not see what this little boy was telling him. It took an almost full family intervention to convince the grown-up of the toddlers plans and motives. He did not use words, it was visible in his body.

I understand it is not the best thing to make assumptions and conclusions based only on what is visible. However, we do it all the time. It is a reality. When someone enters the room slouching, what do you assume? Tired, depressed, sad, low self-esteem… The list goes on.

Interestingly, in yoga, one of the very effective mood lifting techniques are back-bends. Again, there is a physical and emotional connection.

I went through quite a taxing and an emotionally challenging time not too long ago. When I went for my maintenance visit at my BSR-guy (Body Stress Release), he made a comment on how my shoulders were in a bit of a slouch. And have I noticed how the elderly enfold as if to protect the heart?

When dealing with clients, I have seen so many times how the person that seems happy, confident and passionate will get the promotion, or the job, or the praise, or the raise. Decisions are often not only consciously made on the facts, nor the logic - the left brain stuff, but also based on all the mushy, perception, touchy-feely stuff.

I am a firm believer of managing perceptions, not as a means to manipulate, but to sketch the most accurate picture of who and what you are – what you have to contribute. So let’s ‘square up’.

Motto Model: http://goo.gl/cNnpy and Motto Individual Assessment: http://goo.gl/UhC7V

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