About Me

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Dr Mariheca Otto Director B.Com (Hons: Industrial Psychology and Sociology), HED, M.Com and PhD in Business Management Dr Mariheca Otto is the face behind the Motto brand. She has delivered papers at conferences such as the ICCM, hosted by the Industrial Psychology Department of Stellenbosch University, and the South African Institute of Management Scientists' (SAIMS) annual conferences. Her research is not only published in academic publications, but also in newspaper articles. She has lecturing experience. She also has consulting and management experience in local government and various service industries. Staff related issues is her chosen field of expertise because she believes this is an organisation's number one tool to increase staff performance which generally results in increased profits.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Trust me, I'm a doctor

Relationships have always fascinated me. All of them.

I recently visited the online dating scene for the first time ever. No, it was not for me, it was with/for a friend that went through a yucky divorce and has not yet been 'back in the game'. And...Oh my word!

What an experience that was! I absolutely loved how you could assess all the stats, the vitals on the prospects. Scan through the write-up and the face for anything that would not work for her. Very practical and efficient indeed.

What really amazed me was to see how quickly people would completely open up without meeting in person. Trusting enough to share. Please keep in mind that we are not talking about that generation - the generation that can bare their souls on Facebook or on their BB statuses.

In a conversation with another friend, she shared with me the challenges she faces with her very fresh teenager (just turned 13). Her daughter could share her most intimate feelings and thoughts with anyone online, but when her mom would bring it into their conversation it was too intimate - breaking the trust.

That baffled me. She felt safe enough to put herself out there for anyone and everyone to know her stuff, but she could not really talk about it. I suppose it is probably the same thing that happens with these online guys who share their secrets and desires with someone they only have a blurred photo and some pretty words of.

In my work I often have to facilitate mentorship conversations precisely for that reason - we have to build trust, quickly. Or rather enough trust so the mentee feels safe to share and is open to receive input from the mentor. So maybe that process works so well, precisely for that reason - we want to trust, feel safe and belong.

Lao Tzu says it so well: “He who does not trust enough, will not be trusted”.

Motto Model: http://goo.gl/cNnpy and Motto Individual Assessment: http://goo.gl/UhC7V
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