About Me

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Dr Mariheca Otto Director B.Com (Hons: Industrial Psychology and Sociology), HED, M.Com and PhD in Business Management Dr Mariheca Otto is the face behind the Motto brand. She has delivered papers at conferences such as the ICCM, hosted by the Industrial Psychology Department of Stellenbosch University, and the South African Institute of Management Scientists' (SAIMS) annual conferences. Her research is not only published in academic publications, but also in newspaper articles. She has lecturing experience. She also has consulting and management experience in local government and various service industries. Staff related issues is her chosen field of expertise because she believes this is an organisation's number one tool to increase staff performance which generally results in increased profits.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

So, what's new?

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there will be no hope for it.” (Albert Einstein)

I do like this quote, although it is not always easy to apply. Generally, we are raised to follow. Conform. To not think outside the box.

I was at a kiddies birthday party over the weekend where one of the moms remarked on the comments in her child's school report. It boiled down to this: his performance and development is beyond the average/norm in general, but on some really petty stuff he is not entirely ticking the boxes (pun intended). The message: the exceptional, beyond the norm, is not really celebrated.

I personally do not think this was the intention of the teacher. Most likely she was just so focussed on ticking the boxes she has to tick for her performance expectations. A victim of the system?

Having a mind-set of innovation and creative thinking is not often visible in the work place. Furthermore, it is a learned skill. It takes practice, and thank goodness we can get better at it - it can even become a habit (a good one!). And yes, everybody can do this - be innovative, and be problem-solvers.

I saw a brilliant example of this when we were visiting my in-laws on their farm on the Botswana border. The farmer implemented a suggestion from one of the labourers to prevent fires 'jumping' from bordering farms. They sprayed a wide stretch of grass bordering the perimeter fence with  a water-molasses blend. Sounds absurd, right? The cattle loves the taste of molasses, they ate the grass short enough that the fire risk disappeared. Problem solved.

Allow me to end off with another much loved Einstein quote:

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” Let's tap into the second part more.

Motto Model: http://goo.gl/cNnpy and Motto Individual Assessment: http://goo.gl/UhC7V

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Come on - stretch yourself!

Today was both one of the toughest and most amazing days of my life. I have the privilege of being at a yoga retreat for almost a week now. I know this sounds extreme; why would anyone want to do this?!

Well, as my friend puts it: "You have to retreat in order to advance..."

We have been doing 5 hours of yoga a day. I know there is a general perception of non-yogis that yoga is quite relaxing. It generally is, but our teacher is, let's put it politely, strict. While being in very interesting and exceptionally straining positions, he will come round to (us sweating in absolute agony) 'adjust' our arms/legs/backs/butts/whatever. He reminds me of what I think a drill sergeant or someone (mean) from the army will be like.

But today was my 'break-through day'. I was able to stretch myself not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and finally spiritually.

I don't know who was more surprised when I was able to do a difficult move, me or the yoga teacher. My friend and I suddenly advanced from 'poor beginners' to 'novices' (from Latin novÄ«cius, later novitius: “new, newly arrived”) And boy oh boy, have we arrived! I could not stop smiling, in spite of the strenuous poses that followed for the next hour or so.

I did something I never thought possible.

Later in the afternoon we went back for the 'restoratives'. Please do not let the word fool you. The body may be less stretched, but the rest of the 'self' not.

For the first time ever I managed to quiet the constant rush hour that is my mind for a full 20 minutes, and meditate. It was phenomenal. When the session ended I noticed tears were running down my face. I was able to be quiet enough to connect.

I do not know if I would be able to be in that space again, and be that still again, but this is a good start.

Motto Model: http://goo.gl/cNnpy and Motto Individual Assessment: http://goo.gl/UhC7V

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Party time!
Over the weekend we had an absolute ball at a 40th birthday bash of a school friend. It was fascinating to reflect with these boys on the past twenty odd years. They all went through massive transformations - some turning into very serious (and others not so serious) professional men. I suppose it also depends at which stage of the party we caught up with them
Nevertheless, the life stage we are in forces some self reflection, so my own coachs exercise of looking forward to another 40 years from now, and then looking back, has been valuable. Suddenly you have some sort of a benchmark: where you are, and where you want to be and of course where you thought you would be by now.
In my work, and socially, I very regularly meet individuals that hit their so called mid-life crises with a BANG! To some this is just a wobble, others embrace it fully with the flashy boat, Harley and renewed gym membership, and sometimes even the fling or flings on the side (and I am not talking about the snack your kids eat.)
I believe the way you live will indicate your values and what you value. Yesterday I was privileged to spend the afternoon with a friend fighting cancer. We all know that when you are faced with a life threatening illness you suddenly wake-up to reality. To what and who are truly important, valuable. Then you remember who you are, what you want to contribute, and how limited your time is. And that maybe you do not have another 40 years to do it.

I am not trying to be depressing with this blog, I am making a toast. I am suggesting we celebrate and embrace! So here is to living our values and valuing the ones we hold dear.  Carpe diem!
Motto Model: http://goo.gl/cNnpy and Motto Individual Assessment: http://goo.gl/UhC7V